SPW16 probe

Accessory for VENO & ENDOFLOW

The SPF16 ultrasound probe is designed for two Doppler devices made by Sonomed: VENO Vascular Doppler in its 16 MHz version and an older ENDOFLOW Doppler. With SPW16 attached, these devices allow for assessment of blood flow in very shallow vessels at the depth of a few millimeters.

SPW16 is available in a number of variants that allow for precise manipulation and positioning of the probe. The catheter variant has special markings which make it easier to determine how far inserted they are.

It is possible to order a specially-made version of this transducer per request (e.g. different length of elements, different ultrasound frequency that would allow it to be used with another of our devices). You can find more information on the Probe manufacturing page.

Important: when filing an order, it is necessary to specify the particular SPW16 variant needed (all variants are specified in a photo on this page and in the User manual)

> User manual <


  • Sonomed Sp. z o.o. [Ltd.]
    1A/1B Harfowa Street, 02-389 Warsaw, Poland

    Bank account (EUR):
    Alior Bank SA
    PL 06 2490 0005 0000 4600 3882 7381, SWIFT: ALBPPLPW

    EU VAT registration: PL1180029418

  • tel.: +48 22 654 15 06
    fax: +48 22 654 15 07

  • biuro@sonomed.com.plĀ 

    NOTE: The contact form works only with selected browsers. If Sonomed does not respond within 24 hours, please contact us at: biuro@sonomed.com.pl

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